KomaHina Secret Exchange 2024

Welcome to the information Carrd for the KomaHina Secret Exchange!
Please check out the other links down below for more information.
Thanks for visiting!

Currently: Summer 2024 - Creating Matches!
(Until 06/31/2024)


    The KomaHina Secret Exchange is a bi-annual/seasonal "Secret Santa" type of event focused on the pairing Hajime Hinata/Nagito Komaeda from Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.Previously, it was hosted on https://komahinasecretexchange.tumblr.com by Tumblr user @serahne-is-here, who has done a spectacular job hosting it year after year.
    Given that it's been two years since the last event, I wanted to try my hand at hosting it myself since I felt like it brought the community together (not to mention it was a lot of fun!).
    The upcoming term is the Summer term, which will run from June/July 2024 to September 2024, with applications starting in June.
    Just to clarify: this is not a zine. There is no real skill prerequisite for participating; you can draw with pencil and colour with crayon, really - I only ask that you do your level best. :]
    You'll be assigned a person you have to create a gift for along with their prompts and things that they may or may not like. Based on that, you can draw, write, or do something else (you can check with me if you have any questions/concerns) for your partner; just have fun with it!Rules and guidelines can be found on the application form! Once it's closed, the rules will be posted in this Carrd.The schedule can be found in the rules/guidelines section.

    More Information

    Q: How do you participate in this event?A: So firstly, you fill out the application once it comes out. It'll ask for a "wishlist", or a list of prompts you would like to see. You can specify whether you're alright with all of them being fulfilled or exclusively one prompt. Also please take care to set your boundaries and mention what you are not comfortable with and do not want to receive. Likewise, please state what you are comfortable with creating. I promise you none of this is scary, I'm just trying to be as clear as possible!Once the deadline passes and all the entries are in, I will manually match you to someone based on your interests. Vice versa, you will be assigned to someone else. In other words, the person you are creating a gift for is not the same person you will be receiving a gift from. This way, it'll stay as a surprise.You have three months, or the entire season, to work on your gift. If you need more time, I am more than happy to give an extension, but I need clear communication. I will also be checking in periodically. :]If you finish early, please hold onto your gift until Exchange Week.In the event that you cannot participate at the time but are interested in doing so later in the season, last minute backup is always appreciated! You are also allowed to make a second gift as long as you have your first one finished before the deadline.Q: Can I request KamuKoma and/or KamuMeshi?A: Sure, go ham! It's completely up to you. I understand that some people see Hinata and Kamukura as seperate people while others do not, so it's really at your own discretion.Q: Where can I find the link to apply in the Carrd?A: In the "About" tab! Just click the "Applications Open!" text and it should lead you right to the Summer 2024 application form.Q: Can I make a graphics/video edit instead of fanfiction or art?A: Yes, but please do check in with me for specific guidelines! No matter what you do, you must ensure that whatever art you use either must be official art OR credited art. If an artist states that they prohibit you from using their art, you cannot use it unless you explicitly seek permission from them. Sprite edits are not official art and must be credited.Q: Can I submit three prompts that can apply to both fanfiction and art instead of three for each category?A: Yes. It'll help if you state that your prompts can apply to both.Q: How many prompts should be fulfilled?A: At least one prompt/request should be fulfilled! If you are able to do more than one by either combining prompts or making a second gift, you can do so. Your main priority should be getting at least one of them done before the deadline.Q: I need to edit my application. How can I do so?A: You will receive a copy of your response automatically with a link to edit your response - please check your email!Q: When can I expect a response from you?
    A: I live the North American EST time zone (New York/Toronto) and will always try my best to respond within 48 hours at most. I check Tumblr every other day since it has the least amount of activity, but if I don't get back to you within 48 hours (unless I specifically mention that I won't be around for some time), please feel free to send me another message on any of my other socials or email!


    1. Please make sure that you have a reliable means of communication that you check frequently. This can be your social media (Twitter, Tumblr, Discord) or email. Double-check and ensure your DMs are open. If you have a private/locked account, please list an email or alternative social media that you frequently use. If I have no way of contacting you, you will not be able to participate in the event.2. Please try and be faithful to your assigned person's wishlist! If you are uncomfortable with all of the prompts you receive, please contact me and I will get in touch with the other person to ask for alternatives.3. Until the final week of the exchange, please do not post your gift! Additionally, please refrain from sharing WIPs on public platforms. It's gotta be a secret!4. You do not have to state your age, but you must state whether or not you are a minor. If you are a minor, you cannot make or request NSFW. I will be checking. (🔫) If I find out that you as a minor are disregarding this rule, I will remove you from the event until the foreseeable future.5. I will check in every month! If you do not respond to emails/messages after three weeks, I will assume you do not wish to participate and you will be removed from the event.6. No drama. I don't want to hear a peep. If there is a specific person you would rather not receive as a partner, please let me know in the requests/comments section at the bottom of this form. If there are any difficulties in the server, please contact me on either Discord account or our server mod, Pyro (Pyrospirit). Please note that Pyro has very generously offered to help out with monitoring the server as a mod, but she will not be involved in assigning people/check-ins/wishlists, etc. On that end, I will be wholly overlooking the event itself and thus solely responsible for any potential delays and mishaps.7. Please check the FAQ before asking any questions. If you have any other inquiries, please DM me on either Twitter or use Tumblr's askbox. No question is too stupid, but if it makes you less nervous, you can ask questions anonymously on Tumblr or CuriousCat.8. If you run into any issues or are unable to finish your gift, please let me know beforehand! I cross my heart and promise I will not be mad if you absolutely need to drop-out, I just need clear communication.9. If you require an extension, I'd be more than happy to provide one as long as it's not last minute (a day before the deadline). You do not even need to give me a reason, especially if it's private, just please let me know!10. If you'd like to make something that's not a drawing or piece of writing, please check in with me to see for approval and guidelines!11. Fanfiction - must be at least 1000 words and properly tagged. Please keep your assigned person's wishlist and preferences in mind. You are more than welcome to go over the 1000 word minimum requirement as long as you reach it before the deadline. You are also welcome to add chapters to your work as long as you have one cohesive chapter published that can be read as a standalone (i.e. oneshot that you want to write an epilogue to at a later date).12. Artwork - must at least be a coloured sketch (preferably with basic shading, but it's okay if not!). Comics are also allowed; anything over two pages should be a sketch/line-art at minimum. Anything over four pages should be a sketch at minimum. If you draw traditional, please ensure that you take a clear picture/scan of your work for your recipient. If you have any other questions about this, please feel free to ask!13. Feel free to take artistic liberties! As long as it doesn't stray too far from your assigned person's wishlist, you can make things as complex as you wish. Just please keep the deadline in mind! It's better to have a single fully completed project rather than two rushed and incomplete ones.14. When you are ready to submit, please follow the instructions on the Carrd or contact me through through email/social media if you'd like for me to post on your behalf! Please use the Submit tool on Tumblr (using a format that I'll provide later) and for Twitter (fanfiction in particular) kindly upload your work to a shareable document on Google Docs, AO3, or your Tumblr post submission. More on this later, don't worry about it yet!15. Please note that since this is a multi-platform event, we will be cross-posting on Twitter and Tumblr. Sharing in the Discord server is optional but recommended if you'd like your work to gain a bit of traction. If there's a specific username you'd like to be credited by, please let me know!16. IMPORTANT: If you change your username, please let me know. Contact me through anything but please let me know, otherwise it will be hellish to find you again. On a similar note, please ensure that you spell your username/email correctly on the application! If I am unable to find you, you may be removed from the event without notice.17. Once the application form closes, I will send out a message stating any additional information as well as the deadline! For now, please keep in mind that you have a little more than three months to work on your gift! If there is any delay on my end for any reason (although I hope not), rest assured you will be compensated with additional time to finish your work.18. NEW: Progress must be shown at each check-in. You'll have a grace period of a week (as usual) for your response before you are replaced. If you do not have anything for the first check-in but are confident that you will be able to show me something for the second check-in, please communicate that to me beforehand. Either way, responses will be mandatory.19. NEW: All Tumblr submissions must be in before the deadline. This is to prevent having a 'drip feed' issue with posts like we did during previous terms, since folks were submitting sporadically or waiting until the last day in the week, meaning that there were some days with little to no posts. Submitting before the deadline also helps me get the queue sorted right off the bat.20. NEW: Check-ins will now be fulfilled via Google form. If you have been in zines before, this method may be familiar to you. This is to cut down on the amount of individual DMs I need to send out (although I will still send out DMs to anyone not in the server/anyone who hasn't submitted a form within 24 hours, as they may have left the server or not joined in the first place - both without notice), which makes it easier to stay organized for both myself and participants. It also eliminates the confusion of having to correlate Discord usernames to alternate/preferred social media usernames listed on forms, since uninformed username changes are bound to happen and I would prefer to keep this as straightforward as possible.21. Related to the above rule, each check-in link will be posted in the Announcements channel in the server, so please keep your notifications set to (at minimum) "Only @mentions" and ensure that "Suppress @everyone and @here" is disabled. I cannot keep track of everyone in the server by username alone, so if you wish to leave/not join, please give me a heads up! You do not need to give a reason, and if you do, it will be kept confidential. Otherwise, I'll have to send you a delayed check-in anyway.22. That's all folks! Once again, if you have any questions, please check the FAQ or contact me. Thank you very much for reading through the rules and thank you for participating in the event! Have fun! ❤


    June 25th 2024 - Creation Period Begins
    July 20th 2024 - 1st Check-In
    August 20th 2024 - 2nd Check-In
    September 20th 2024 - Final Check-In
    September 25th - Deadline
    October 1st - Final/Extension/Pinch-Hitter Deadline
    October 1st to 7th 2024 - Exchange Week


      Since this is a secret exchange, please do NOT post your gift before Exchange Week. You do not need to send me your work after completion unless you want me to post your work for you. Please refrain from posting WIPs on public accounts as well.If you wish for me to post your work for you (for reasons such as not having a Twitter account or a Tumblr account) please the guide listed below but instead of posting it yourself, email me the filled out template, your work, and any screenshots you'd like for me to post on your behalf.

      For Twitter

      If you've finished your gift, please do the following when posting to Twitter:1. Start a draft tweet on the public Twitter account you wish to be credited with.2. Use the hashtag "#kmhnsecretexchange" in your tweet to make your work easier to find and tag the Twitter account (@komahinaSE) so your work can be liked/retweeted. Additionally, please DM me your tweet so I know for sure that it's been posted.3. Use one of the two templates depending on whether you are posting fanfiction or art. If you exceed the character limit, you can write up the template in a word processor, take a screenshot, and post it as an image. Just ensure that the KomaHinaSE account as well as your partner are tagged:FanfictionTitle:
      Author’s notes:
      Note: It is highly recommended to post your work on AO3 so you can tag your work as thoroughly as needed. You can also post a shareable Google Docs link, but you must ensure that it is tagged appropriately and is always accessible to your match.Additional Note: It's also recommended to post screenshots of your excerpt and/or tags as well as the title from your published work page on AO3.ArtArtist:
      Artist’s notes:
      Note: If you are posting something with explicit/graphic/sensitive content please use the appropriate Twitter image filters. Please keep in mind that minors are also participating in this event, so censor carefully in the cropped version.Submission format has been copy-pasted from the original blog for the sake of simplicity.

      For Tumblr

      If you've finished your gift, please do the following when submitting to Tumblr:1. Navigate to the Tumblr blog (@kmhnsecretexchange) and click 'Submit'2. Use one of the two templates depending on whether you are submitting fanfiction or art. I will add a 'Read More' line break to your work if you are submitting fanfiction:Fanfiction
      (As a text submission)
      Author’s notes:
      (As a photo submission)
      Artist’s notes:
      Note: If you are submitting something with explicit/graphic/sensitive content please submit a cropped version of your piece with a link that redirects to the full image. Please keep in mind that minors are also participating in this event, so censor carefully in the cropped version.Submission format has been copy-pasted from the original blog for the sake of simplicity.

      Mod + Contact

      Mod/Admin/Host/Whatever/Resident Clown - Tee/Cherry (He/They)

      Twitter - @komahinaSE
      Tumblr - @kmhnsecretexchange
      Email - [email protected]
      Twitter (Main) - @KILLC0MMAND / @eggemperor
      Tumblr (Main) - @one-way-dream
      Discord - komahinasecretexchange
      CuriousCat - KomaHinaSE
      If you are a confirmed participant in the exchange and your link to the server has expired, please message any of the social media accounts for a new invite link!